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NATO Flying Lead Operation Prohibition Libya

North Atlantic Organization (NATO) agreed to lead the no-fly zone operations in Libya. However, NATO is not up to joining in coalition bombardments of the territory of Libya.
According to the Associated Press news agency the decision was announced NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, in Belgium, on Thursday night local time (Friday morning GMT).
The willingness of NATO is in line with expectations the United States (U.S.), which since March 19 and launched a no-fly zone operations, as well as air and missile attacks on military facilities Muammar Gaddafi regime in Libya, under the banner of the International Coalition along with Britain, France, and the state other countries. The three countries are also members of NATO.
NATO is expected to take over control of the no-fly zone operations within 72 hours. International Coalition will continue to operate, that is focused on bombing missions over Gaddafi's military strength in order to protect civilians Libya, as mandated in UN Security Council resolution 1973.
"We will have surgery Coalition and NATO operations," said Rasmussen. "We are considering whether NATO should assume a broader responsibility, in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions. However, that decision has not been achieved," he continued.
The willingness of NATO led operations in Libya fly zones came after days of debate among members. The NATO decision came only after approval of all members, totaling 28 countries.
NATO Agreement on the operation in Libya was only happens after a compromise. As a member, Turkey is actually mind if NATO had to intervene. However, common ground emerged after the Turkish and the other members are equally agreed that the NATO operation was limited to keep the no-fly zone, and did not participate in a fighter jet or missile attack by the Coalition.
Meanwhile, the European Union agreed to return Libya is ready to help recovery from the crisis. However, the recovery mission was also to involve the United Nations, Arab League, African Union, and other parties.


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