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State of Malaysia forbade Poco-poco

Poco-poco dance association is famous in Indonesia in the early 2000s, was also popular in Malaysia. In any event in the neighboring country, especially if there are Indonesian men present, almost certainly Poco-poco danced together.
However, now the Muslims in the State of Perak, Malaysia banned dancing. Because, since January 2011 and then, Poco-poco declared unlawful.
As appeared in The Malaysian Insider, 30 March 2011, the Mufti of Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria, who said it, Jawatankuasa Fatwa Silver State, has issued a fatwa that Poco-poco dance haram.
The reason, Harussani said, dance has a Christian element. The point? Poco-poco step to the right, left, front and back is considered representing the shape of the cross.
In addition, poco-poco is also considered an element of the cult of the spirit that is often done in Jamaica.
In response to the fatwa, Perak Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said the kingdom will comply with the edict.
Poco-poco haram fatwa so polemical in Malaysia. Responding to the decision of the scholars Silver, the former Mufti of Perlis, Prof Madya Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin actually considers, Poco-poco haram fatwa unnatural.
"If considered as a good dance for health, without the element of trust and do not contain elements of greetings such as liquor and sex, the Shari'a is allowed," he said, as appeared in The Malaysian Insider, Thursday, March 31, 2011.
"If indeed there is an element that is wrong, should imitate the Prophet Muhammad, remove the bad elements, keep the good."
Previously, scholars neighboring country also had issued a fatwa haram yoga.
Chairman of the National Fatwa Council, Abdul Shukor Husin, said yoga has been practiced by the Hindu community for thousands of years. This activity is considered to unify the physical movement and Hindu religious elements in the form of singing and praise, with the goal of "union with God."
"Because of this, we believe that it is inappropriate for Muslims to do yoga. The Board has stated that the practice of yoga, along with the third element is haram, "Shukor said in a press statement, as reported by the Star website, Sunday, November 23, 2008.


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