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Securing the Business Benefits "Bodyguard"

Sense of security to be one of human needs, especially in the middle of the high level of crime. Then came the business bodyguard or escort service providers. These actors can print tens of millions of dollars of revenue protection services for individuals and security of the event.
Hearing the word bodyguard, we'll remember the film, which starred Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner in 1992. In real life, many service users bodyguards as security guards.
The renter use the services of bodyguards for security guard, even there also for prestige. Business services bodyguards appeared in Jakarta and other cities.
Fiko Agency in Jakarta, for example, providing security or protection services, including bodyguard services to individual and to an event, such as music concerts. Services to individual security is generally used celebrities and executives. There are also escorts for officials and protection for the family.
Fiko agency offers security services since two years ago. Its founder, Taufiq Azhari or better known as Fiko, said the security services, not just businesses that put profits. He must take full responsibility for client safety. "Being a bodyguard is not just having a good body shape, but also must have the martial skills," said Fiko, which can provide 100 security personnel.
G Shock, a provider of security services in Cirebon, also stressed the strong standards for membership. "At least the members would have the ideal height and weight," explained M Aslialimin, one member of the G Shock is fondly called by the title of this Ariel.
Shock G service users, among others, national artists who held a concert or a press conference in Cirebon. "There are also several artists who use our services, but for the sake of privacy. I can not say it," explained Fiko.
Requests the number of bodyguards hanging from a client who will use his services. For the security of one person takes three bodyguards. The cost of the use of this bodyguard security services depend on the number of personnel and the duration of such security.
Fiko citing cost Rp 40 million to mobilize three full 24 hours per day within a month. As for the concert cost $ 1.5 million to Rp 2 million per person. Different from Fiko Agency, G Shock offer services per hour. "For five hours, we could receive between USD 3 million to Rp 5 million," said Arie.
Request bodyguard service is indeed not fixed every month. Look at the new G Shock handle 20 requests under guard since the stand 2008. The Fiko every month can print an average income of USD 50 million of these security services business


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