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Three Tight Terms Indonesia Build Nuclear Power Plant

National Energy Board (DEN) requires three important things that must be met if the government continued its plan to build Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The three conditions that the safety and environmental aspects, public pasrtisipasi, and aspects of public subsidy that must be met by nuclear power plants could be more pro for the public.
"The development of nuclear power plant in the world, including events in Japan, an important lesson for Indonesia," said Member of the Elements DEN Stakeholder / Expert Environment, Mukhtasor in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 30, 2011.
According Muhtasor, the government must put public interests as the highest priority in nuclear power development plans. What's more, people actually contribute to fund programs that are borne nuclear power plants through public funds.
"Surely the public has given a huge subsidy to the nuclear power program. It is important that the nuclear power program should involve greater public participation, especially in the aspect of safety and assessment of technological feasibility and location of nuclear plants, "said Mukhtasor affirm.
Mukhtasor describes the preparation of nuclear power infrastructure, ranging from the preparation of human resources, research and development, institutional setup until a feasibility study financed by the government with public funds from the state budget. Though the construction and operation of commercial nuclear power plant according to Law Nucleur Power conducted by State Owned Enterprises, cooperatives and / or private entities.
With these steps, DEN hope events in Fukushima Japan nuclear power plant explosion can be avoided and the accuracy and transparency of nuclear information is still an issue between the government and operators of nuclear power plants can be avoided.
"Eligible or not nuclear power plant in Indonesia later, we must all elated. There should be no cover-up. Do not have other interests that are not relevant, including the interest that more berfihak on business benefits rather than the public," said Mukhtasor.
On the other hand, DEN also reminded NPP eligibility standards need to be improved by taking into account the reliability of nuclear power technology and disaster vulnerability in Indonesia.
Pursuant to which reactor licensing stipulated in Government Regulation No. 43/2006 mentioned commercial nuclear reactor which has been operating 3 (three) years in survivors with average capacity factor of at least 75 percent is classified as a proven technology. He therefore granted permission to be built in Indonesia.
"Japan's nuclear power plant accident occurred just at the end of its design life. Comparing with the case of renewable energy. International world has now experienced the power plant operates successfully ocean currents more than 3 (three) years, with minimal hazards and prices cheaper than oil-fired power plant. That alone is still not easy to enter and be accepted in Indonesia. Size of proven technologies in nuclear power plant should provide assurance of safety is much higher ", he said, giving emphasis.
In terms of the cost of nuclear power plants, Mukhtasor reminded of the true hidden costs to be borne by the public. Besides the state budget funds for preparation of feasibility studies of infrastructure and nuclear plants, there are consequences that are not visible but the costs borne by the public.
According Nucleur Power Act, the nuclear installation is not responsible for nuclear damage caused by nuclear accidents that occur because of natural disasters with extraordinary levels that exceed design safety requirement set by BAPETEN.
"So this is like the Japanese case occurred in Indonesia, in my opinion, this nuclear accident losses will be borne by public funds. This is certainly a poor reflection of the term energy prices based on the principle of fairness keenomian regulated in the Law of Energy. "Said Mukhtasor asserted.
In another part, continued Mukhtasor, DEN is now updating the Presidential Regulation 05/2006 on the National Energy Policy (PNE). Use of nuclear energy as a source of power (NPP) is one program that discussed in the update KEN.


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