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BlackBerry PlayBook 10 Minute Hands On Demo from BGR (Video)

If you recall when RIM launched the BlackBerry PlayBook in September no one was able to get hands on with the PlayBook which led to many first impressions and eyes on demos but no real actual user impressions. That’s all changed now that Boy Genius Report has been able to get some hands on time with the BlackBerry PlayBook.
The video is about 10 minutes long and gives a pretty good overview of the actual device and how it works. It appears that most of the activations of the keyboard and other items are done with a swipe from a special place on the PlayBook such as a swipe down from the top or swiping up from the bottom corner to launch a keyboard.
Unfortunately while you do get a good look at the Black Berry PlayBook, Jonathan S. Geller from Boy Genius Reports wasn’t able to actually use the device himself, but it is one of the best looks we have had at RIM’s upcoming tablet.


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