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Many More Died Young Teens

Cases of death among adolescents ages turned out to show the increasing trend lately. A global report said, early death tend to be more prevalent among teenagers and young adults than children.
Research published in medical journal The Lancet, which collects data from 50 countries either state-level rich-poor medium and during the last 50 years shows, the mortality rate or death in general has decreased. However, cases of death in the teenage years appear more prominent than the kids. Factors such as violence, suicide, and traffic accident believed to be the main cause.
Infectious diseases fall
Research also says that the average age of mortality among the young has decreased dramatically over the last 50 years all over the world. Mortality in children aged 1-9 years declined 80 percent to 93 percent. This is triggered by a reduction in mortality from infectious diseases.
Meanwhile, the average mortality did not show a rapid decline among teenagers and young adults. In adolescents aged 15-24, mortality declined 41 percent to 48 percent, again because of the success suppress infectious diseases.
However, injuries, violence, suicide, and traffic accidents emerged as the leading killer of young men across the country, and become a major killer of young women in rich countries and western European region. Deaths due to violence also showed significant improvement, both in young men and women.
This means that, although overall mortality has decreased, but the highest mortality risk has now shifted from children to adolescents and young adults. The researchers claim, male teenagers aged 15-24 are now at risk of two to three times more experience than the premature deaths of children aged 1-4 years.
"Modern life style is more poison adolescents and young people. Traffic accidents continue to increase, as well as violence and suicide that we see do not occur in children. The notion that youth is the healthiest period of life we ​​are no longer true, "said study author Dr. Russell Viner, of University College London, UK.
Even so, the researchers emphasized that this research may not have to describe the general conditions throughout the world. Because the study did not involve the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa, considering the lack of data.
In addition, factors also affect regional variations. The researchers recorded an increase in suicides that occurred in countries pascakomunis era in the 1990s. In fact, the average suicide cases began declining in rich countries in recent years.
However, Dr Viner said, a trend that initially appeared in Western countries are now starting to look at developing countries, when urbanization brings benefits and risks for teenagers.
"It seems that economic development, migration to the city, increased urbanization, and social dislocation that was enough to poison the youth in terms of mortality," he said.


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