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High-Level Nuclear Radiation Found

Impact damage caused by leakage of electric power plant (NPP) Fukushima Daiichi, Japan, still not finished. After the threat of radiation levels continue to haunt, is now found in very high radiation levels in the reactor unit 2. The amount of radiation levels reach 10 million times more than the normal threshold.
As reported by NHK, Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) explains the level of this radiation reaches 2.9 billion becquerels in one cubic centimeter (cm) of water in the basement of the turbine building that is attached to the reactor number 2.
Contamination level is about 1000 times higher than the radiation leak in the basement of reactor number 1 and 3. Tepco adding radioactive material was detected, including 2.9 billion becquerels of iodine 134, iodine 131 becquerels 13 million, and 2.3 million becquerels, of each of cesium 134 and 137.
This material emitted during the process of nuclear fission in the reactor core. The company estimates that contaminated water was coming from the reactor core is damaged, and they were figuring out how the leaks can occur.
Graduated from the University of Tokyo Naoto Sekimura said the leak may arise from retaining space (suppression chamber) reactor number 2. This space is designed to accommodate the reactor radioactive.
Asociate Press news agency reported the presence of the incident, workers are struggling to pump contaminated water from a nuclear complex in Japan. Radiation levels that reach 10 million times higher than normal this makes workers measure the level of previous radiation. Although it is unclear how long the worker has been exposed to high radioactive in Fukushima Daiichi plant.
Takashi Kurita Tepco spokesman admitted the existence of water contamination in all four reactors, and radiation in a single reactor unit measured 1000 millisieverts per hour, four times the safe limit set by the government.
The discovery during the past three days has been a major setback in the mission to overcome the cooling damage after the earthquake and tsunami. Protracted nuclear crisis has prompted concerns about the safety of food and water in Japan, which is the main source of seafood for some countries. Radiation has been found in food, sea water and even tap water supply in Tokyo.
According to NHK, the high radiation levels were detected up to 30 kilo meters from the Fukushima plant. Radiation levels increased 40 per cent higher than the annual limit for the general public.
The Japanese government said the data showed 1.4 millisieverts taken on Wednesday morning in the Namie Town, northwest of the plant. Even so, the government has not made an appeal to residents who live outside a radius of 30 kilo meters from the plant to evacuate or stay home.
Results were obtained Ministry of Science after reading the report of monitoring at 10 locations outside a radius of 30 kilo meters from the plant, following a report relatively high levels of radiation found outside the area.
The amount of radiation that was detected did not pose a health risk. But they suggested that residents in the area to remain vigilant against the possibility of rate hikes radais. Because electricity generation is not possible to stop releasing raadiasi within depat.
While the high radiation that killed two workers who suffered burns on his leg after stepping on radioactive contaminated water. Government spokesman Yukio Edano Tepco urged to be more transparent. Government to reveal a series of mistakes made by operators Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Tepco. "We urge Tepco provide information to the government more quickly," said Edano as quoted from page Associated Press.
A spokesman for Industrial and Nuclear Safety Agency (NISA) Hidehiko Nishiyama said Tepco already know the risks of high radiation in the factory air six days before the accident the two workers. Both these workers only use the shoes that are only covered to ankle. "Not high enough to protect their feet," he said.
"Regardless of whether there is awareness about the high level of radiation in stagnant water, but there are problems in the way of work performed."
NISA also gives warning to Tepco to enhance and ensure the safety of its workers.
The push comes amid government efforts to halt the company's workers to move the gas leak contaminated water from the reactor units. Officers had tried to use sea water to cool the reactors. However, there are fears that the corrosion of salt will aggravate the damage to the machine in the reactor unit. Currently Tepco berjibaku middle inject fresh water into the reactor unit, and remove radioactive contaminated water.


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