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2 calamity befall Cilacap Indonesia

Two successive calamities befall the City of Cilacap, Central Java.On Saturday, April 1st, 2011 at 05.00 pm, a tank RU Pertaminarefinery in Cilacap oil exploded and spread to two other tanks.Meanwhile, early this morning, at 3:06 pm, turn on the Richter scale7.1 earthquake rocked. Tsunami threat.

Panic struck the city surrounded sea. Panicked residents fled tothe north, away from the beach. The quake also could affect effortsat the refinery outages.

"Earlier we increased vigilance, my friends on the field alert, ifthere are possible escalation (tsunami)," said VP of CorporateCommunication, when contacted MochamadAaron, Monday, April 4, 2011.

However, Aaron said, extinguishing efforts continue. Meanwhile,the other units are also doing its job. "We have a detector for such things. The condition of the refinery is not interrupted and is not affected," he added. The quake also did not make the burning tankcondition is getting worse.

Narrated Aaron, after the tsunami threat is over, the enhancedsuppression efforts. Officers continued to spray the three tanks on fire, while securing the other of the licking flames.

"Two tanks out 31 T-2 and 31 T-3 continues to be done becausethere are still sparks. While the tank 31 T-7 have been madeefforts to cool down."

7.1 earthquake on the Richter scale rocked of Cilacap at 3:06 pm.The quake's epicenter at a depth of 10 km through 293 kmsouthwest of Cilacap or south latitude 10:01 (LS) and 107.69 east longitude (BT).

Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) lifted the threat of tsunami quake 1.5 hours, precisely at 4:45 pm


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