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The Right Way: A Poem by Nikki

When I was editing the pictures for the "I prefer the wet look" post I started feeling some kind of way and quickly typed out a poem. Now, I do not write poetry, ever. This definitely came from the heart and I hope you all enjoy.PhotobucketWaving and smiling but sitting over there whispering "look at them kinks"naw naw naw, I know what you're saying- look at them NAPS!nappy in the front, AND in the back"Her mama needs to comb that hair", you sayBut see here's the thing, her hair WAS combed today!Moisturized, detangled, cared for with loveAnd here you are trying to spread your hateInstead of loving what God gave above.Why can you not see the beauty within these kinks?her smile says it all, see- she does not need "Just For Me"a chemical relaxer, is that the way to teach a kid to be free?Free to be who you are. Free to live without a care.Well, most kids these days have to worry....have to worry about their hair.Aunties, cousins, neighbors asking "Giiiiiiirl, what happened to your hair?!"How is a child supposed to feel? That aint no way to show you care.What you need to do is learn to embrace it. Stop being so negative and face it.Be gentle, be patient, be loving and kind.Because what goes around comes around, and you don't want all that going down the generation line...See this is what happens, it's a vicious cycle indeed.You grow up being told your hair is like weeds.Dry as a desert. Nappy as hell. "Once you turn 12, it's time for a relaxer! I'm tired of this mess! I wish time could go by faster."Time goes by. You are ruining her self esteem. She looks in the mirror weeping... "God...why me?"One day you realize what you are doing to your baby girl. You stop and realize you are doing all the wrong things.Fine tooth comb? Gel? Grease? You google....and google....until you find peace.Beads, Braids & Beyond, HappyGirlHair, CurlyNikki, and many others to share!You leap for joy without a moment to spare. "Thank you Lord!"Now let's do my babys hair.......the right way.Written by: Nikki of Beads, Braids & Beyond

Post Title The Right Way: A Poem by Nikki


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